The Super Bowl is finally upon us! Today we’ll be giving a brief insight to 3 of the beers that are scheduled to be on hand for the official Real Gabe Anders Show Annual Super Bowl Sunday Extravaganza!!

805 Brand - Firestone Walker
A Central-Californian specialty, this delicious & crisp… refreshing & flavorful… Santa Barbara-originating newer Cali classic is always a delight for holidays, special occasions an, of course, the big game!

Blue Moon - Blue Moon/Miller
Orangey, citrusy and delightful! This beer’s great at the bar, at the stadium or wherever you’re enjoying the game. Definite Real Gabe Anders seal of approval!

Big Blue Van Blueberry Beer - College Street Brewhouse
Shout out to local AZ brewery College Street Brewhouse on the wonder that is the Big Blue Van! Some say blueberry… some say blueberry vanilla… some just describe it as fruit. However you label it, it’s certainly a must for Super Sunday. Start a 6-pack in the 1st quarter and you may finish it well before the teams switch sides!

Keystone Light - Miller
Every gameday needs its solid base and foundation. This is your strong O-line, protecting you and your team from going thirsty before they hand out the Lombardi trophy. Although MGD (Miller Genuine Draft) is a common starter at the Anders household for the super bowl, Keith Stone will be getting the honors this Sunday!
Other acceptable starters for your team include: Budweiser; Bud Light; Miller Light; Coors Light or Corona!
Keep it simple, keep it responsible and CHEERS from the Real Gabe Anders Show!
